Automatic hydrologic deployment and modeling

This project is the hydrologic modeling part of the project Model Integration through Knowledge-Rich Data and Process Composition.

Introduction of project

Overview of the use of artificial intelligence techniques to support model integration

Tasks in hydrologic modeling

The completed workflow of hydrologic modeling with PIHM model and national/global data services.
Animation of flood plant in South Sudan from 2001 to 2017 based on FLDAS data.
Elevation and PIHM mesh of the Pongo watershed in South Sudan

Accomplishment of the project

keep updating

博士后研究员, SHUD模型作者

加州大学戴维斯分校博士后研究员, SHUD模型作者; 专注于数值方法的分布式水文模型、水文大数据的机器学习、气候/人类活动对水循环的影响和集成模型耦合研究

