


以获取武汉病毒所所有博导的发文章数据为例。 一 获取名单。 列出你需要获得数据的人名和研究所。 人名和单位名字都必须是英文。 从此链接进入,武汉病毒所


现在几个批评文章意思差不多,基本主旨是这样: 学术能力不够,却当所长。证据:只有24篇文章,11篇通讯文章,说不够分量。 年龄太小,资历不够。 证

写给Nature的信:Stop using the offensive virus names

《nature》在报道新冠病毒时候,使用的名字都很刺耳,于是我写了一篇短评论给《Nature》。 Stop using the offensive virus names Inappropriate naming of the new human disease inevitably causes prejudice and discrimination upon particular people and


我经常在想,金庸笔下的挥刀自宫究竟是什么意思? 金庸笔下的江湖。并不是一个空穴来风的虚构世界,而是将现实社会抽象化之后的江湖。金庸笔下说的江湖


SUNDIALS: SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic Equation Solvers SUNDIALS (https://computing.llnl.gov/projects/sundials) is a very powerful mathematical library that is helpful in solving engineering and scientific problems efficiently. CVODE is one of the tools, aiming to solve Ordinary Differential Equation, in C language. In the Solver of Hydrologic Unstructured Domain (SHUD) model, the system of ODEs describing the hydrological processes is fully coupled and solved simultaneously at each time step ($ \Delta


This script is to demonstrate the capability and scheme to realise the animation. You have to prepare your own data for this animation script. Script for Global NDVI rm(list=ls()) library(RoundAndRound) # devtools::install_github('shulele/RoundAndRound') col.fun=function(x){ colorspace::terrain_hcl(x, l=c(65,95), power=c(1/3, 1.5)) } plotStar <- function(x, y, radius, angle=180, xyratio=1, ...){ i <- 1:11 alpha <- 2*pi / 10 r <- radius * (i %% 2 + 1)/2 omega <- alpha * i + angle


先上结论:这篇文章是一个非专业记者的不专业报道。 这是篇新闻( Nature News),并不是篇科学论文,所以见到《Nature》就膝盖软的先平身。 为什么


The 23 unsolved problems in hydrology identified by the community process in 2018. Link of the paper:link Time variability and change Is the hydrological cycle regionally accelerating/decelerating under climate and environmental change, and are there tipping points (irreversible changes)? How will cold region runoff and groundwater change in a warmer climate (e.g. with glacier melt and permafrost thaw)? What are the mechanisms by which climate change and water use alter


The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a simple graphical indicator that reflect the greenness and the heath condition of vegetations. The raw data is from NASA MOD13A. The global NDVI variation from 2002 to 2017. The NDVI varies from 2002 to 2017 in US (Continental) How to download the rawdata The code of the monthly NDVI from MODIS dataset is MOD13C2, so type the code below in your terminal


WRF-Hydro做得非常好。 能够完成大尺度(全美国900万平方公里)实时的洪水预报,这个就已经超出所有分布式水文模型的能力了。而且他们在推